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Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
Exclusive image retrieved from Hunter Biden's iPhone backup provided to Valiant News by Marco Polo


Felon Hunter Biden Joins Dad For Top-Level White House Meetings Post-Debate, Staff Asks ‘What The Hell is Happening’

“What the hell is happening?”

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Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has been reported to be attending meetings at the White House with the president and his top aides.

This development comes as a shock to many, especially considering Hunter’s recent conviction on a felony gun crime charge and his well-publicized struggles with addiction.

Sources within the White House have revealed that Hunter has been “popping into” meetings and phone calls between the president and his advisers. One senior staff member was quoted as saying, “What the hell is happening?”

The timing of Hunter’s involvement in White House affairs is particularly notable, as it follows his father’s debate performance and the family’s visit to Camp David over the weekend. It is believed that Hunter is among the strongest voices in the Biden family urging the president to stay in the presidential race, despite calls from major newspaper editorials, a majority of Democratic voters, and prominent allies for him to step aside.

The White House has confirmed Hunter’s presence at the meetings, with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stating that he “was in the room” during the president’s speech preparation. However, the extent of Hunter’s involvement in these meetings remains unclear.

Hunter Biden’s presence at the White House has raised eyebrows, given his recent legal troubles and controversial business dealings. His involvement in the president’s inner circle has sparked concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the influence of a convicted felon on the administration’s decision-making process.

As the Biden administration faces mounting criticism and calls for transparency, the presence of Hunter Biden at the White House raises more questions than answers. The American public is left wondering what role Hunter will play in the administration and whether his involvement will have any impact on the president’s decision-making process.

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James Michaels
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James is an American conservative inspired by President Trump to enter the world of politics



  1. Avatar

    Lawrence M

    July 3, 2024 at 8:09 am

    I had to say the following elsewhere just moments ago about this!

    Just when people figure things are as bad as they could get we see this insanity! A totally spent loser drug addict is able to have a top security clearance to be privy to “anything and everything” in the top echelon of our government’s inner workings! But the “old original disaster looking for a place to happen,” “quid pro quo Joe” says “C’mon man so what, Hunter is the smartest guy I know!” Yes and between the both of these “stupid bastards” with the “loony” Dr. J “ill” they can “blow the world up to Kingdom Come now, if they can’t have their way!” She won’t give up being in the White House in her “delusion of grandeur” and the two meatheads won’t give up the “Nuclear Football” now; they love POWER so much, it’s all they worship (Satan’s Own)!

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      July 3, 2024 at 8:18 am

      Lawrence M UP VOTE

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      July 3, 2024 at 9:10 am

      this needs to be stopped right now …

  2. Avatar


    July 3, 2024 at 8:15 am

    The entire family is LOWCLASS, punto.

  3. Avatar


    July 3, 2024 at 8:19 am

    The entire family is LOWCLASS, punto.

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      Lawrence M

      July 3, 2024 at 9:00 am

      Catherine; thank you! And I want to say I’m only now after biting my own tongue for many months to hold back on some of the things I really wanted to say but felt as a Christian I would do better to show more reserve and maintain a modest candor. But now I’m really finding that nearly impossible with “how badly things keep progressively getting by the day” and its very “off the wall now” with these latest developments, so I have to pull a few punches and say things like they are or “how it is!”

      I agree “these people are the dregs of society” and this is our First Family? No way no how, this would only be possible in HELL and now I see that isn’t too far off; to “literally have hell on earth right in our faces!” Low life maniacs in the White House, forced gender change upon grade school children in some locations with no parental consent, Drag Queen Story Time for the same children with pervert men dressed like demonic looking cretins as the storytellers!

      I have to say to all Leftist Loons and Democrat Commies you better ask yourselves again right now if this is what you really bargained for, because there will be “HELL to pay” when it’s “all said and done” and many are “going to the real HELL for eternity,” so it’s time to shit or get off the pot and shut up with all of you madness and evil! “Get your minds, hearts and souls right and change, turn to God and be on the side of righteousness and goodness, for goodness sake!”

      • Avatar


        July 4, 2024 at 2:41 am

        Every week I think it can’t get any worse.
        And then it DOES.
        The last nearly four MISERABLE years have been
        Pray for Divine intervention.

        • Avatar

          Lawrence M

          July 4, 2024 at 11:51 am

          Cheyenne I know how you feel! I used to think that often times but now I know we haven’t reached the bottom yet not by a long shot! Sadly we here in America and nations around the globe are literally on the precipice, and I got fairly convinced of that with the whole Plandemic and observing the evil that reared its ugly head during it; that was a sure proof of what evil is heading at this human race as fast as it can, which would already be exponentially worse if not held back and not allowed! But I do know absolutely that God is in control always, and He is allowing what He will as “His plan unfolds!”

          Keep the faith and hang in there we’re going to make it, we must trust in Him, not this crooked world’s ways.

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    Don J Schwirtlich

    July 3, 2024 at 8:45 am

    You cant make this sxxx up.

  5. Avatar


    July 3, 2024 at 9:22 am

    I wonder what George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt would think if they knew that we had turned the country over to a completely disabled dementia patient and his crack-head son?

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      Lawrence M

      July 3, 2024 at 11:12 am

      RobL; that is a great point about “four truly Great Americans” who stood for good and righteousness as honest brave human beings serving God not evil!

      There is so much that they would be completely disgusted with and wouldn’t be willing to tolerate that we have going on in America let alone in the White House!

      This is so degenerated and vile now; I know they would agree with me that Hell on Earth is not too far off in the horizon “if this isn’t Stopped!”

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        Lawrence M

        July 4, 2024 at 11:59 am

        In April 1777, less than a year after the first Independence Day, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail:
        “Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

        Many to perhaps most citizens today are so deluded and have no grip on reality or what they have had and are losing due to their careless and spoiled rotten punk attitudes! Most have never really suffered for Freedom and the great benefits that they enjoy in such a society; but they sure as hell will miss it when they lose it all!

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