Spain will allow children as young as 12 to legally change their gender, and may pass a bill legalising bestiality.
Last Thursday, the Spanish parliament passed the legislation, introduced by Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, making Spain one of the most permissive countries in Europe for gender changes.
Anyone over the age of 16 will now be able to change their gender with a simple request. Children aged 14-16 can change their gender with parental consent, while children aged 12 and above can swap genders if granted permission by a judge to do so.
The head of the centre-right People’s Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, said that his party would work to repeal the law if they were able to form a government after the next general election in the country, which is set to take place in December of this year.
Feijóo pointed to the fact that allowing children to change gender at such a young age can have harmful consequences, and noted that a number of countries across Europe are re-examining their approach to allowing children to transition.
At the same time as the law on gender changes has fully passed through the parliament in Spain, a law legalising bestiality is also making its way through, having passed the lower house.
The law, which still needs approval from the Spanish senate, was pushed by Ione Belarra Urteaga, the Minister of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda.
The legislation replaces previous statutes banning the “sexual exploitation” of animals, and now allows sexual acts between humans and animals as long as they don’t cause “injuries that require veterinary treatment.” According to a 2019 study, 8.2% of vets in both Spain and Portugal had encountered cases of suspected sexual abuse of animals when examining them.
Ironically, the legislation also introduces extremely strict punishments for other animal “abuses,” such as a fine of €200,000 for breeding a dog without being registered, and a fine of €50,000 and up to a year and a half in prison for killing a rat in your home.
“Leftism is the plague of the 21st century. Spaniards allowed children to change their gender on demand,” tweeted Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. “They are legalising bestiality, while (people who use) a rat’s trap may result in imprisonment,” he added, attacking the current Mayor of Warsaw for having suggested a ban on meat.
Lewactwo to zaraza XXI wieku. Hiszpanie pozwolili dzieciom zmieniać płeć na żądanie. Teraz legalizują zoofilię, a za użycie łapki na szczury grozić ma więzienie. U nas lewacki wirus też krąży – zarażony @trzaskowski_ chce już zakazywać jeść mięso.
— Zbigniew Ziobro | SP (@ZiobroPL) February 19, 2023