Tucker Carlson has argued that the left and the media are creating anti-white “race hate” in order to “cover their crimes” of destroying the country.
Speaking to Daniel Schmidt, a freshman at the University of Chicago who went viral for questioning the Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum on the media suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, Carlson discussed the widespread “anti-white sentiment” from the establishment that Schmidt described as being “pervasive.”
The Fox News host questioned why people were being attacked and isolated solely on the basis of their race. “If we were doing this to any other group, we’d be like woah, wait a second, we’re moving towards hurting people, obviously!” Carlson noted:
“We don’t like Malaysians, and if you’re Malaysian, you can’t participate, and check your Malaysian-ness! Well I think people who are Malaysian would be like, I think maybe they want to hurt me, because I’m Malaysian! Why wouldn’t you conclude that? So what actually is the endgame here? I don’t think this ends in a good place at all, and I don’t know why people put up with it for a minute.”
I asked Tucker why he thinks there is such an effort to demoralize and demonize white men.
Tucker: What’s the endgame? If people were doing this to any other group, that group would think people wanted to hurt them. I don’t think this ends in a good place at all. pic.twitter.com/MIn6glvQeO
— Daniel Schmidt (@RealDSchmidt) July 24, 2022
He further warned that if the left, media, and other forms of the establishment continued to make “identity politics mandatory,” then the rise of “white identity politics” was an inevitable outcome.
“Hey geniuses, hey Bill Kristol, have you thought about this for a minute?” Carlson quipped. “Once everyone has an identity, white people are going to create identity politics on their own. Why wouldn’t they? Do you really want that? Why are you doing this? What is this?
Schmidt proceeded to ask Carlson if he thought that one reason for the promoting of anti-white race hate would be to create such a backlash that they can then “use that as a pretext to crack down on it even more.”
In response, Carlson posited that the real motivation was because the elites are “stealing a lot” from the American people:
“The main questions in governance are economic questions usually. Not exclusively. Cultural questions, I spent a lot of my life mad about cultural questions. But there’s a bigger story, and the bigger story is the looting of the American economy. I could get super boring, but I won’t, you can watch my show, but I’m really interested in economics and foreign policy. There are huge things happening in both those spheres that get relatively little coverage, in some cases no coverage whatsoever.”
Instead of covering those two topics, he decried the “endless loop” of race stories, where white people are bad and black people can do nothing wrong. “They’re creating race hate, and they’re absolutely creating race hate, that is true, as a cover for their crimes,” he concluded. “That’s my view. I mean, obviously!”
I asked Tucker if he thinks the purpose of anti-white sentiment is to create a reactionary response that can then be used as a pretext to crack down on Americans even more.
Tucker: Of course. And our leaders use race hate to distract from their looting of the American economy. pic.twitter.com/J7A5aehXxd
— Daniel Schmidt (@RealDSchmidt) July 24, 2022