Famous former child actor Ricky Schroder, known for his Golden Globe-winning performance in 1979’s “The Champ” with seasoned actor Jon Voight, recently put out a video describing his experience with an elite satanic “cult” when he was in Hollywood.
In a video published on BitChute, Schroder recalled being exposed to a cassette tape that contained footage of hooded men and scantily clad women partaking in a bloody and sexual ritual with a male “body,” while he was still a adolescent in the film industry.
“Let me explain. When I was young, I couldn’t’ drive yet. I was hanging out with the older guys and I’m in Point Dume. Somebody pooped in a cassette tape into a VHS player and there was a room with a body. I believe it was a male, laying on a table. And people came around the room and it was dimly lit, but they had hoods and robes on,” Schroder said.
INFOWARS REPORT: Childhood actor Ricky Schroder speaks out about a satanic "cult" in Hollywood.
"I believe it was a male, laying on a table. And people came around the room and it was dimly lit, but they had hoods and robes on."@ValiantNewsLive pic.twitter.com/bq0UyLYbu5
— Andrew (@whiteaf5) May 24, 2023
“They had some sort of ritual where they took out a knife and they cut him down the side, it was his right side. And they took out parts of him, and the blood started flowing, and they were chanting, and there was women there, and they took off their clothes. And then they took the blood, and they smeared it on their bodies and started to be sexual with each other. It was quite disturbing to see,” said the famous childhood actor.
“They gave me the cassette and I took the cassette to somebody I trusted. We watched it and they said ‘never watch that again and give it back to whoever gave it to you.’ So I did that. But I was always confused about why they didn’t ask where it came from. And so I believe I met some of the cult members when I was younger,” he added.
"Past Proves Future" Ricky Schroder & Jon Voight star in "The Champ"! 2 great, brave Patriots! There are no coincidences! All pre ordained in opinion! We stand with #RickySchroder ! pic.twitter.com/v4Xc0nrreG
— Celestia St. Clair (@CelestiaStClair) May 24, 2023
The actor suggested that no investigators in federal law enforcement will ever truly get to the bottom of the “cult” because top officials may be a part of it.
“I share this with the hope that those mid-level people investigating in the FBI and the CIA will understand that their superiors perhaps will never give us justice because of the level of blackmail involved,” he said.
Follow Andrew on Twitter @whiteaf5.