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Biden Mumbles Gibberish During Amnesty Speech, Says American People ‘Don’t Understand A Lot’ About The Border

Biden forgets the name of his Homeland Security secretary, mumbles gibberish, and mutters “I’m not sure” after failing to recall the name.

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In a speech delivered today, President Joe Biden announced a sweeping new proposal to granting mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

The President’s remarks were met with confusion and frustration as he stumbled through parts of his address, at one point mumbling incoherently.

Biden defended his decision to bypass Congress and use executive action, arguing that the American people “don’t understand a lot” about the complexities of immigration and border security.

However, this statement has done little to quell the growing discontent among the public, who have expressed overwhelming dissatisfaction with the administration’s handling of the border crisis.

Critics have pointed out that the President’s mass amnesty plan will only exacerbate the situation at the border, encouraging more illegal crossings and further straining already overwhelmed immigration resources. Many have also questioned the timing of the announcement, as it comes on the heels of record-high border apprehensions and a surge in migrant-related crime.

The President’s remarks also drew criticism from some within his own party, with several moderate Democrats expressing concern that the mass amnesty plan could alienate key swing voters in the upcoming midterm elections.

As the debate over immigration and border security continues to heat up, one thing is clear: President Biden’s mass amnesty plan has only served to further divide an already polarized nation. With the midterm elections looming on the horizon, it remains to be seen whether the President’s gamble will pay off or ultimately cost his party dearly at the polls.

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Analise Morrow
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Analise is a conservative from the United States who writes under a pseudonym to keep the radical left at bay.

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    Lawrence M

    June 19, 2024 at 11:57 am

    This total madness and evil at work which is out to destroy America from within!

    I said it from the beginning that Biden along with many others in Washington are demonically influenced!

    I just read elsewhere that soon Americans will be eating Chinese beef!

    We would all have to be idiots to not see what is happening here in the USA with this compromised administration at the helm!

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