Mike Tyson interviewed Alex Jones and the two used psycobilin – “magic mushrooms” – on Tyson’s podcast, but the video’s release was ultimately stopped by the influence of YouTube, Jones said in a video featuring a post-podcast interview with Tyson uploaded to Banned.video.
Jones explained that he’s a “big fan” of Tyson, and “got a very exciting phone call” from the boxing legend inviting him to appear on his podcast. According to Jones, he was interviewed by Tyson for two hours, and the two were quick friends. “‘I got told not to have you on,'” Jones recounted Tyson telling him, “‘but I’ve overridden it, and it’s going to air.'”
“A month and a half passed, I talked to Mike last week,” Jones said, “He said, ‘We’re pushing for it, it’s going to air.'” But ultimately, Jones learned the next day from Tyson’s assistant that the episode could not air because Tyson does not own his podcast. The company who owns it apparently received pressure not to air the episode.
“‘Listen, we pushed hard, we fought hard, but we don’t own the show, we have a contract, and they’re not going to air it,'” Jones recounted being told. He added, “I reached out to some other contacts and they confirmed that YouTube put pressure on them not to air the interview.”
Jones told his Infowars audience that “The interview was powerful, it was loving, it was really incredible,” and added, “We also took mushrooms live on air, so it’s wild.”
The portion of the podcast recorded by Infowars employees – alongside Jones’ interview with Tyson recorded after the podcast – is available via Banned.video, Jones’ video platform:
Jones said he hopes Tyson “can really stand up against what’s happening, because this is really, really dangerous to all Americans.” The Texan explained that it’s fundamentally a First Amendment issue.
“It’s one thing if Alex Jones was banned off YouTube, but it’s another thing to say that Mike Tyson can’t interview me.”
Infowars and Jones were banned by virtually all big tech websites and services in 2018 in what some claim was an orchestrated effort to stifle Jones’ ability to conduct his business after lawyers and politicians claimed his radio show was unreliable, influenced by Russia, or otherwise dangerous.