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81-Year-Old Joe Biden Struggles To Enter SUV, Moves At Snail’s Pace As Secret Service Surrounds Him

Biden;’s condition continues to alarm Democrats, while the White House insists he’s in perfect mental and physical health.

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In a concerning incident last night, President Joe Biden, 81, appeared to struggle significantly while trying to enter an SUV as he left a lavish fundraiser attended by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Video footage shows the octogenarian POTUS moving at an incredibly slow pace, with his head awkwardly positioned as he attempted to climb into the vehicle. The Secret Service was seen closely surrounding the President during this time.

This is not the first time President Biden has displayed physical challenges in public. There have been multiple instances where he has moved awkwardly or even fallen down.

Just last month, he tripped and fell while walking up the stairs to board Air Force One. In another incident, he stumbled while trying to walk down a ramp.

These repeated episodes of physical struggle have raised serious concerns about President Biden’s health and his ability to fulfill the demanding duties of the presidency. At 81 years old, he is the oldest person to ever serve as President of the United States. Many are questioning whether his advanced age is impacting his physical abilities and mental sharpness.

Critics argue that these incidents are signs of cognitive decline and physical frailty. They point to the demanding nature of the presidency and the need for a leader who is physically and mentally strong. Supporters of the President, however, downplay these concerns and attribute the incidents to minor stumbles or fatigue.

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, it is undeniable that President Biden’s struggles to enter the SUV last night were concerning. As the leader of the free world, the President must project strength and vitality. If his physical abilities are compromised, it could undermine his ability to effectively lead the nation and represent the United States on the world stage.

The White House has yet to comment on the incident or address the growing concerns about President Biden’s health. However, as these episodes continue to occur, it is likely that the American people will demand answers and assurances about the President’s fitness for office.

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James Michaels
Written By

James is an American conservative inspired by President Trump to enter the world of politics



  1. Avatar


    June 20, 2024 at 1:10 am

    As bizarre words and actions continue to add up, we can expect
    to see things ramp up as we approach November.
    All according to plan, as Joe’s usefulness fades away……

  2. Avatar

    Hate liars

    June 22, 2024 at 8:02 am

    The democrats have big talk for Biden but behind the curtains they are ready to throw Biden under the bus. They know they cheated by putting Biden in office. They will do it again with Obama’s husband. They twist President Trump’s words. Biden is a no body they put in Oval office so Obama could rule behind the curtains. Obama lied, destroyed and divided America by race and hate . Obama is still doing it by controlling Biden, White House staff and democrats. Obama should of been arrested for treason for Iran money he gave for them overnight and its was cash. Right out of the social security money that no one in Congress could be touching. Biden is a mentally ill evil man who has never done anything good for America. Now they in his staff, drug him up so he just walk and talk which is not working. Which drugs will they be using so he can scream hell and act like a drug addict who finally gets his drugs to perform for democrat party to say he’s fine. Every one saw the State of Union address. Joe Biden was higher than a kite. Then watch him come down off his high to listen to dribble.. He thinks he’s a king. He calls President Trump a dictator but its Joe Biden, Obama and Biden who are the dictators destroying America. The stupid fools who know nothing but hate for America love him. You watch the cheating began to a democrat in the oval office. It has already begun in Michigan. Ballots have been mailed out and dead people still on the voting list. Pelosi voting machines still in Michigan. The FBI knows about it and walks away like the good little brown shirts butt kissers they are to the new nazi democrat regime. Will Michigan recall all mail in ballots when Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi replace Biden with Obama’s husband!

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