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Democratic U.S. Senator Chris Murphy: ‘The People We Care About Most Are The Undocumented’

“It has failed to deliver for the people we care about most: the undocumented.”

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In a recent interview, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) made a statement that has stirred controversy among political circles and the American public. The senator, while discussing the Democratic Party’s approach to immigration policy, said, “The people we care about most are the undocumented.”

The statement, which seemingly places the interests of undocumented immigrants above those of American citizens, has been met with criticism from conservative groups and individuals. Critics argue that the senator’s comments are a clear indication that the Democratic Party prioritizes the needs of non-citizens over those of the American people.

In the same interview, Sen. Murphy acknowledged that the Democratic Party’s strategy on immigration has failed to deliver for the people they “care most” about. He also admitted that the bulk of the country believes the current situation at the border, with millions of migrants entering the U.S. each year under President Biden, is unsustainable.

Despite the controversy surrounding his statement, Sen. Murphy defended the proposed border legislation, which includes provisions for expedited removal and changes to the asylum system. He argued that the bill would bring “some sense of order to the border” and make asylum claims “faster but tougher.”

However, some Republicans have criticized the bill, claiming that it would not solve the border crisis and might even make it worse. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that he would oppose the bill, as it would give the Secretary of Homeland Security the right to grant asylum claims and potentially create a “massive pathway to rubber-stamping amnesty.”

As the debate on immigration continues, Sen. Murphy’s comments have highlighted the deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on this issue. The controversy surrounding his statement underscores the need for a comprehensive and balanced approach to immigration reform that addresses the needs of both undocumented immigrants and American citizens.

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Analise Morrow
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Analise is a conservative from the United States who writes under a pseudonym to keep the radical left at bay.



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    CPO Bill

    February 9, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    He wants more of them so he can EFF us a little deeper!

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    February 9, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    The Democrats hate conservatives and will do anyt9ing to eliminate them if they present a threat to them.
    j-6 for instance. The Democrats imprisoned and withheld food, medicine, toilet essentials of those in jail and they were even beaten and no Democrat stepped up and inquired. They call Trump a Nazi when the Democrats themselves do things that are reminiscent of the Nazi regime.

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    February 9, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    They are illegal aliens,not migrants.

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      Lawrence M

      February 10, 2024 at 8:42 am

      Beverly; that is precisely true and the root of the problem! We’ve all been subjected to a conditioning and various forms of brainwashing; people say, “oh well things will work themselves out;” NOT! These border jumpers are “criminal alien invaders, and that is according to the Constitution and general laws of any sovereign nation for that matter!” Would we as law-abiding American citizens feel entitled to just go to any other country uninvited or unannounced and just set up camp invading the sovereignty of that nation? I think not as I know I would never do such a thing and that’s because I’m not a criminal and I do have a conscience along with moral integrity!

      So why has this issue gone on for decades and been allowed to get completely out of control when it’s so academic and anyone with a healthy functioning brain can understand this concept! Because Congress is a “LIE” and most if not all of the “politicians are playing the game” which is to always “take advantage of the American People and their pocketbooks and rob us blind, while serving the special interests, backers and lobbyists!” Power does corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely and that became the advantage that the politicians acquired many years ago when the system was “rigged” and they basically can get away with murder now, and do often! They are immoral for the most part and all are responsible because even if one doesn’t pull the trigger they are all privy and cognizant of the damage they’re collectively causing as a body daily, along with their own personal sins!

      Do any Americans with a clue actually believe that Michelle Obama is a woman and that the cook really had a paddle board accident! Obama got away with two terms in an “unholy alliance” within the US Government as a “fraud President” and that abomination was the final “putting the screws” to the US Citizens Taxpayers, and finally kill America for all of its many “mounting sins” that have been ruining this once great nation under God that “had some real integrity!” Do any of you really think this is that former Nation under God anymore? If you do I have a couple of bridges to sell to you!

      Get ready for the massive chastisements coming to humanity and a neighborhood near you, probably even your own! Don’t forget now, that there’s been at least 10 million illegal invaders just over the past few years not even counting the “getaways,” within that mix MS-13, gangbangers, insane, drug cartel members and so on; all of which have tucked themselves away inside America! Now just ponder what even a fraction of that number of hostile criminals and terrorists can and will do to us when they are ready! I’m sure you “catch my drift” folks, and just know that “Biden and all of the Congressional Traitors” live high and have high walls or security 24/7, while “We the People” are “sitting ducks!”

      “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”
      ― Thomas Jefferson

      We’re going to get what we all deserve one way or another!

      Pray for your immortal souls, this world is done for and eternity waits!

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    February 9, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    Sen Murphy, another pencil neck Marxist traitor!

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    Francisco Machado

    February 9, 2024 at 8:54 pm

    Mussolini stated that Fascism was not an ideology. It was a method, through propaganda, through use of existing and government generated social upheavals and disruptions, to motivate the people to democratically demand centralized control by government to restore order and return civil function to normal. Opening the borders = government generated social upheaval (so does Bidenomics)and we already have a government so large it employs one in fifteen U.S. citizens in some aspect from President down to the chap that picks up trash in the parks. The Progressives were beyond certain that their coup attempt was successful in the 2016 election; the power was in their hands. Trump, the Schwanritter, happened to them. Small wonder they so virulently hate him – and their efforts to get rid of him have become a Laurel & Hardy/Keystone Cops slapstick comedy in which only the dogmatically indoctrinated believe any prounouncements from the government anymore.

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    February 11, 2024 at 2:32 pm

    Nothing new. One would have to be q complete imbecile, not to realize that Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe and his corrupt administration cares more illegals than the citizens of this country, Corrupt Quid Pro could care less about the 100,000 a year that die from Fentanyl. Corrupt Quid Pro wants to replace them w/illegals. This massive invasion of illegals into the U.S. is intentionally designed by Democrats to change the voting Demographics of America forever, for their one party rule. A one party rule=Communism. Communist China has a one party rule. The voting public doesn’t need a–hole Murphy to tell us this. It is imperative that the Democrats are removed from office. Every Law abiding citizen should think about arming up. There isn’t going to be a civil war, at the rate this country is going, there is going to be a 2nd America Revolution. The liberal commie Democrats don’t believe in the U.S. Constitution. They don’t want some piece of paper spelling out an individuals liberties & freedoms. THe government wants to be able to dictate those rights.

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