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Image: The White House


Democrats In Full ‘Panic’ Mode, Desperate To Replace Biden But He Refuses To Leave The Ticket

Many Democrat journalists wrote columns today begging Biden to step down.

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President Joe Biden’s lackluster performance in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle has left Democrats in a state of panic and disarray.

The debate, which took place on June 27, 2024, saw Biden struggling to articulate his thoughts, appearing feeble and confused at times, while his opponent, former President Donald Trump, appeared confident and energetic.

The fallout from the debate has been swift and severe. Mainstream outlets and pundits have declared Trump the decisive winner, with many expressing shock and disappointment at Biden’s performance. This has led to a growing chorus of voices within the Democratic Party calling for Biden to step aside and make way for a younger, more capable candidate.

In the hours following the debate, CNN reported that there was a “deep, wide, and very aggressive panic” among Democrats, with some even suggesting that Biden should be asked to withdraw from the race. The New York Times described Biden’s performance as “shaky” and “halting,” noting that it had left many Democrats “talking about replacing him on the ticket.”

The panic among Democrats is not limited to the media and political pundits. Several prominent members of the party have also expressed their concerns about Biden’s ability to lead. Vice President Kamala Harris, in an attempt to defend Biden, acknowledged that he had a “slow start” in the debate but insisted that he had performed well overall. However, her comments did little to quell the growing unease within the party.

As the fallout from the debate continues to reverberate, it remains to be seen whether Biden will heed the calls to step aside or if he will continue to fight for the nomination. For now, the Democratic Party is left grappling with the fallout from a debate that many see as a disaster and a potential turning point in the 2024 election.

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James Michaels
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James is an American conservative inspired by President Trump to enter the world of politics



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    June 29, 2024 at 11:06 am

    Oh well, The Fake New media are just “Johnny come lately”! Poor Joe popped the bubble they have been living in for the past 3 and half years. What a “public disservice” they did to their viewers who actually believed all the times they circled around Biden protecting/enabling him as most of US sadly WATCHED him mentally decline! What hurts the most is because of his weak leadership the whole Country is declining!

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    Lawrence M

    June 30, 2024 at 6:04 am

    I must say what I see happening which I just wrote in a couple of other related articles which totally applies here!

    Who cares or why should they, what that psychopathic bastard Putin thinks or wants; we know where he will end up after God’s judgment day along with Zelinsky!

    Today I add that which I had to say about Biden continuing to seek reelection and also what I said applied to the Ashli Babbit murder by Capitol Cop Michael Byrd for which he got to skate (A Federally Authorized Hit Job); as I think it applies here equally!

    Now I mournfully want to add my latest thought on the matter of Biden still saying he will continue his quest for a second Biden & (Obama) term which speaks to this story also! This is so screwed and we all need to wake up fast if we don’t see what’s happening by now!

    Just think of where we are as Americans in this once great nation under God; that’s become more of a heathen, materialistic and secular empire over time to where we now see this absolute insanity at the highest level of our government playing out in our faces day after day! (Like the fall of the Roman Empire on steroids) This all points out clearly how the Left and Commies having free rein over several decades has led to total incompetents’ and psychopaths making life and death decisions for the masses on a daily basis that could quite easily lead to complete and utter destruction of the planet!

    My point in conclusion is; if you can’t see that this is all work of Satan then you have been on the wrong side and better get your hind end in gear and turn to God Almighty in the name of Jesus right now on bent knees, asking for His intervention sooner rather than later! Depending on a man-made system or a person to lead us to safety or salvation is a waste of time! Too far gone for too long!

    God bless you.

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      Lawrence M

      June 30, 2024 at 8:45 am

      Biden hasn’t done one thing that helped our Nation or “We the People,” nothing!

      All he’s done for the last half a century is run a backdoor organized crime syndicate within our nation, enriching himself, the Biden clan and their cronies here and abroad!

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        Lawrence M

        June 30, 2024 at 9:10 am

        All we see are these losers and even Biden’s wicked power hungry wife scampering to continue the ruin that the Leftist Commie Democrats have done to this nation as if that would be just fine and dandy!

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