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Biden’s 10 Biggest False Claims From Debate Savagely Fact-Checked By CNN Analyst As Network Turns On ‘Sleepy Joe’

10 brutally honest fact checks of Biden lies from last night’s debate.

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After last night’s presidential debate, CNN’s Daniel Dale fact-checked the numerous false claims made by President Joe Biden during his face-off with former President Donald Trump. The CNN employee did not hold back as he dissected Biden’s statements, revealing a series of inaccuracies.

“He said he’s the only president in a while who didn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world. Troops have of course died on his watch,” Dale stated, highlighting Biden’s inaccurate claim about military casualties during his presidency.

Dale also pointed out Biden’s misrepresentation of his insulin pricing policy. “He said he’s put in a $15 per shot cap on insulin and Medicare. It’s a $35 a month cap. He said it’s a $200 cap on overall drug spending and Medicare, it’s $2000 a year,” Dale clarified, correcting the President’s misleading statements.

Furthermore, Dale challenged Biden’s claims about border crossings and unemployment rates. “He said the border now has fewer crossings than when Trump was in office. That’s generally not true,” Dale said, presenting data that contradicted Biden’s assertion. He also corrected Biden’s claim about the unemployment rate at the start of his presidency, stating, “He said or at least strongly suggested unemployment was at 15% when he took office. It was actually 6.4%.”

Dale also addressed Biden’s statements about Trump’s policy proposals and endorsements. “He said Trump wants to get rid of social security. Trump doesn’t. He said billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes, it’s much higher. He said Trump told Americans to inject bleach amid COVID,” he explained. 

“We know Trump made foolish comments about scientists studying disinfectant injection but didn’t frame it as advice to people. Biden said the border patrol endorsed him. No, it’s union supported the border bill he supported, never endorsed him himself,” Dale explained, providing a comprehensive fact-check of Biden’s claims.

CNN’s rigorous fact-checking of Biden’s statements during the debate brought to light a pattern of inaccuracies and misrepresentation, underscoring the importance of fact-based reporting in political discourse.

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Vincent Dela Cruz
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  1. Avatar


    June 29, 2024 at 12:39 am

    It will become obvious as time passes that the debate and all of the “Panicking” by the MSM and Dems is all part of the plot to get Joe out before the election. Tapper and Bash were actually fair to both men because they knew Joe would fail and by being fair it would become Joe’s fault that he has to step down, not the DNC elites. Watch as the percentage grows for Joe’s removal. This is nothing but a clever way to get the stupid Democrat base to go along with the elites like obama, Clinton, Schumer, etc.

  2. Avatar

    Lance Boiles

    June 29, 2024 at 6:55 am

    They’ve ignored his lies and protected him for years. Thanks to the debates, they couldn’t. He was on stage for all the world to see, and they were in charge of the spectacle.

  3. Avatar


    June 29, 2024 at 7:27 am

    The only reason the Dems agreed to a debate was to put Pinocchio Joe’s frailties on public display, so the Dems will justify getting rid of him. Their new candidate is already picked and will be announced at their convention–and I’m afraid it’s Hillary Clinton. She’s has been outraged since 2016, seething since Trump stole “her” presidency from her by overwhelming her with so many legal votes that all her cheating couldn’t overcome the honest votes for Trump. This time she’ll pull out all the stops and do whatever it takes to steal the election for herself. We’ll see such blatant cheating that no sane person could believe she “won”–but Hillary is no longer sane, and will demand a win regardless of fraudulent votes exposed, violence and mayhem–which is the only way she COULD win. If she has to kill to be called Madam President, that is what she’ll do–and it will be our nation’s last election, ever.

  4. Avatar


    June 29, 2024 at 10:00 am

    “Reporters” are supposed to ‘fact check’ everything said to them. They don’t. They just repeat the lies. That’s why politicians and reporters are the least trusted public figures in America. We can’t trust anything said by either.

  5. Avatar


    June 29, 2024 at 10:08 am

    ““We know Trump made foolish comments about scientists studying disinfectant injection.. ”

    actually ? no the comments weren’t foolish.

    and an out and out lie is a “mis-statement” ?

  6. Avatar


    June 29, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    The memo went out halfway through the debate to all the media bosses – “Joe is done. Harris is a no-go. Replacement pick will be announced soon. Prioritize that Joe must go to the people.”

    No one really knows the actual source of the “memos” other than they have to be obeyed.

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