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Biden Watched His Dog Attack Secret Service At Least Six Times, Some Previously Unreported: Documents

Biden took Commander off leash before at least one vicious attack on the Secret Service, records show.

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Judicial Watch has obtained Secret Service records that show President Joe Biden was present during at least three instances where his dog Commander bit and attacked Secret Service agents. Commander, a German Shepherd, was known to terrorize staff at the White House for over two years before being removed from the premises.

According to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch through FOIA request, agents working at the White House would wish each other “safe shift” when clocking in to work around Commander and Biden.

One agent, who was a victim of a Biden dog attack, wrote in a report, “Once at the KG, [Biden] took Commander off the leash to run free. I was present to observe [redacted] departing from the Kennedy Garden to move behind [redacted] toward the south ground drive via the internal garden gate when [the attack] occurred.”

Biden’s other dog, Major, was also rehomed in 2021 after a serial pattern of attacks on agents.

As Valiant News previously reported, Biden reportedly accused an agent of lying after one attack by Major, and believed in a conspiracy theory that “white ex-cops from the South” who are still loyal to former President Donald Trump could have made up the numerous incidents where his dog bit members of the Secret Service (according to a book).

The New York Post report also reveals that Commander was such a known threat that agents had to take special precautions when working around him. “Can we please find a way to get this dog muzzled,” one exasperated workplace safety professional wrote in an email obtained by the New York Post.

Commander was removed from the White House in February of this year after more than two years of terrorizing staff. The White House said at the time that Commander had been given away to a family member.

The revelations in the New York Post report have sparked outrage among conservative commentators, who have pointed to the incident as yet another example of Biden’s incompetence and inability to control his own household. “This is just another example of how the Biden administration is a complete disaster,” said one commentator. “If Biden can’t even control his own dog, how can he be trusted to run the country?”

The White House has not yet responded to the New York Post report.

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Vincent Dela Cruz
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  1. Avatar


    June 14, 2024 at 7:08 am

    That piece of unlikeable garbage cannot even train his pets. How the F do Democrat morons believe he can run a country. FJB F Washington, D.C., F Democrats.

  2. Avatar


    June 14, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    Dog sniffs Cocaine and Fentanyl ground in the carpets .all .day .long.

    What do you expect?

  3. Avatar


    June 14, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    i would have shot, and to hell with what happens after.

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